we can’t wait to meet you!
ECC is a faith community where it’s safe to be exactly where you are. It’s a place where you can be curious, question, doubt, and grow among friends who are working things out together in real time.
Weekend gatherings are a mix of authentic, heartfelt worship led by our live band, down-to-earth messages exploring relevant topics through the lens of scripture, and organic friendships and conversation. Translation? You don’t have to do this life alone.
where are you located?
When should i be there?
Our service times are 9AM and 11AM, but you’ll want to get here a few minutes early to grab a coffee, check your kids in, and (you know) just feel settled.
Where do I park?
If you’re a first, second, or third time visitor, let us spoil you! VIP Visitor Parking is available at the West entrance.
Also, if you’ve invited a friend to ECC, please use the visitor parking as well so they know where to go.
is there anything for my kids?
Our Nursery is a safe, nurturing environment for children 0-2 years old that includes toys, activities, snacks and free play.
For Toddlers (2+) - 5th grade, there’s Power-Up — A dynamic, safe, and highly relational Sunday morning Children’s program that combines live worship, visual storytelling, and hands on learning in an environment that is both biblical and fun.
What about older kids?
At 9 AM Breakfast Club meets at the Lifehouse (next door to church on Lewis St.) for grades 6th-8th. They eat breakfast together, joke around, and study the Bible while adults gather in the Sanctuary for first service.
will i have to say anything, do anything or be singled out at all?
Um, no. Everything in our services is optional, including singing. Why? Because we believe everyone is at a different place with unique needs and preferences. Do whatever is comfortable for you, and breathe easy knowing that you won’t be judged for doing things at your own pace. In fact, we encourage it!
When you are ready to start connecting, filling out a Communication Card (in your bulletin) is a great way to get started and to help us get to know you and your family.
what will people be wearing?
Everything from ties to T-shirts. There is no dress code, so wear what makes you feel comfortable and know that there will probably be others dressed the same.